Project Closing Stage

A proper hand over of the project on completion is a key aspect of Construction Project Management. A smooth hand over process makes the management of the building by the client very easy. The process of hand over begins with focus on ensuring that the dry run after commissioning of the various systems meet the required performance parameters and all glitches are smoothened. This is also the stage where we focus on the pre-delivery inspection punch lists and ensure proper removal of defects, both visible and latent.
The company works a rigorous set of checklists that encompass civil, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, BMS, firefighting and safety to ensure the building and the environment meets the exact working requirements of the clients. The company provides adequate documented checkpoints and advisory notes for smooth operation and maintenance of the building, including the ‘as-built’ drawings, manuals, the necessary certificates and approvals, as part of the hand over package. This culminates in issuance of the Virtual Completion Certificate to the Contractor on successful hand over of the project.
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